Frequently asked questions

How do you ship your pizzas?

We typically send our pizzas via United Parcel Service (UPS).

What are my delivery options?

We can do Next Day Air, 2nd Day Air or Regular Ground delivery. We also try to only ship “care packages” on Mondays and Tuesdays to help guarantee your package arrives before the weekend. We prefer not to send any packages on Wednesday or later.

When does my order need to be placed?

Here’s an example…If you want your “care package” to go out on Monday afternoon, those pizzas will have to be ordered, made and frozen by Sunday night. You’ll need to call us to order those pizzas at least one full day in advance.  

How many pizzas should I order?

You can order 1 pizza and have it shipped, but if you’re spending the money on shipping anyway, you might as well send 3 or 4?! Just a suggestion, we’re not really trying to spend your money here, just trying to give you the most “bang for the buck”!

Give us a call and we can give you more details and recommend some great ideas and the best options for you! Just ask for Sam or Jeff!